The W(h)ine Hour..

Every household has one…the whine hour. It’s those bewitching hours between approximately 5 and 8pm in the evening when the kids go crazy and moms across the world lose their minds completely. It doesn’t matter if you have babies, toddlers, kids, tweens, or teens; those hours of dinner/homework/bath time/ bedtime can just about do a momma in. What is a girl to do? It’s simple and brilliant actually, just slip in a little wine of your own! Now, I’m not suggesting anyone down a bottle of whiskey everyday between the hours of 5 and 8, in fact if you do that you will have a few whine hours of your own the next morning. Basically, a little wine during the whine hours will keep you out of the padded cell at the local cookoo house where people will walk by and peek in your little window and say things like “aww, poor mom has lost her marbles” and “hmmm, now that’s a crazy one right there, sits in there all day and hits herself over the head with a Barbie and a hotwheel”. Don’t smirk, it can happen.

So, enjoy the tales of my whine hour, and how I survive each and everyone of one of them with a sense of humor and a good bottle of wine! After all, the whine hour comes around every single day, a girl has to be prepared!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This is a brag...I mean blog. :)

Oh, another day...   That's what I have been saying to myself for about a week, as I am walking out the door to a sporting event.  I must pass by my computer with a million ideas running thru my head of what to write, and keep on walking.  How am I supposed to keep my sanity thru writing if I can't find the time to write?  Sorry keyboard, you will have to wait, I have more important things to do.   Because one day, little league baseball will be over and middle school tennis will give way to high school and then who knows what.  These days of getting to watch my boys play their passions out on the field or court are short lived and a blessing and I wouldn't miss a single one of them...even to write. :)  So here is a pictorial review to the last week in sports at our house.  It's our very own top 10 plays of the week!

State tennis tournament!  Big kid serving an ace...some serious effort goes into that serve, no major league tennis circuit grunting though. ;)

Dang, should hurts!

5th in the state!! Oh yeah baby!

Over the weekend the little one played in a tournament in a little town west of the metro area.
That is one faaaasssttt little white boy!

It's a pop up....wait for it, watch it...

Caught it!

Such a little ham...he had that same grin on his face when he crossed the plate after a home run!

And then....the grand finale of the weekend...

Chill is in the hoooouuuussseeeee!

First place for the usually struggling Express!!  Sometimes the nice guys do finish first. :)  And the middle left the weekend with a huge trophy and some sweet lace marks on his ankle.  I think he took the phrase "take one for the team" a little too seriously. ;)

The wine of the day wine today.  The little one has team pics and a game this evening so it's back to the ball park.  Best to leave the wine at home. ;)  Or, on second, better stick with the big gulp.

Happy Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

Great Pics! They are all so awesome and CUTE, and since I know their personalities I can just know how they felt in each pic! Thanks for sharing - and good girl for not drinking and driving!! :)

Anonymous said...

awwww the darlings! I'm taking my little ones to hockey practise tonight and you've reminded me to bring my camera. Well done to your crew xxx